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  • How old do I have to be to take a CFSC course?
    You have to be at least 12 years old for the Non Restricted CFSC, and 18 for the Restricted. With parent/guardian permission, a minor may audit the Restricted course for information purposes, but will not be issued a course report.
    If I am under 18 years old, do I still get a PAL?
    No, you get what is called a Minors Licence. This allows borrowing of non-restricted firearms for target practice, shooting competitions, hunting, and instruction in the use of firearms. For more detailed information Minor's Licence. Once you turn 18, you can apply for a PAL, the safety course is the same.
    I took my course(s) a while ago, but my PAL expired. Do I need to take the course(s) again?
    Probably not, but it will depend on how long ago your PAL expired. Call the CFP at 1-800-731-4000 and ask. If you feel rusty and are looking for a refresher, we can help with that. Check out our Custom Courses page for more info.
    How long is a PAL valid for?
    Approximately 5 years, expiring on your birthday.
    How much does a PAL and RPAL cost?
    A PAL (Non Restricted firearms only) costs $67.38 for 5 years (As of March 31, 2024). An RPAL and PAL together (both Restricted and Non Restricted firearms) is $89.85 for 5 years. (As of March 31, 2024)
    I have a PAL and just took my Restricted Course. Do I need to send in a whole new application? And how much does it cost?
    Yes, unfortunately you have to go through a new application. It will cost $80, even if you have years left on your PAL still. If you can time it so that you send in the application at the time of your normal renewal, you will be able to save a bit of money.
    I just found out I am inheriting a firearm but don't have a PAL (or RPAL). What happens now?
    Simply notify CFP that you wish to keep the firearm(s). You can arrange storage at a gun shop or with a friend with the appropriate licences and they can store them until you obtain the appropriate licence(s). The Executor of the Will is also allowed to store them until they can be legally passed to you.
    Handguns are part of the estate. What happens with the current handgun freeze?
    Currently, handguns cannot be inherited, but destruction is not the only option! The Executor has a 'reasonable' amount of time to dispose of them, so it is not instant. There are several options other than destruction. They can be sold/shipped out of country, so if you know someone in the USA who would hold them for you for instance, you could do that and wait until the laws change and then import them back into Canada . They can be transfered to a firerms business, such as a museum, range, or gun store.
    Do I need to have a range membership if I have an RPAL?
    No, simply having an RPAL does not require a range membership. While no longer required to have a restricted firearm in Alberta (CFO dropped the range requirement January 1 of 2018), a range membership is very handy if you plan to shoot on a regular basis however.
    Can I take just the Restricted course?
    No, the Non Restricted course is a prerequisite to take the Restricted course.
    I have lots of experience with firearms. Do I have to take the course? Can I challenge it?
    As of September 2015, you must take the class, challenges are no longer allowed.
    Do I get my PAL and RPAL at the end of the course?
    No, you get the Course Report(s) and all appropriate application materials to apply to the RCMP. It takes a minimum of 28 days to receive your PAL and/or RPAL, but plan for longer. With the new onliine application, PAL's are being returned in a much faster timeframe.
    Do I need any firearms experience to take a course?
    No, we teach you everything you need and include hands on training with deactivated firearms. You do need to have taken the Non-Restricted course prior to taking the Restricted Course.
    As soon as I get my PAL, can I go hunting?
    It depends on if you have taken your Hunter Education Certification already, available here: Hunter Education Certification
    I hear people talking about FAC's. What are they? Are they the same as a PAL?
    An FAC is a Firearms Acquisition Certificate, and were replaced by the PAL in 1995. The FAC is just the old name that some people still use out of habit.
    Do my references need to have a PAL?
    No, they just need to be giving you an excellent reference.