LiveFire Firearm Safety


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  • Canadian Firearms Safety Courses (CFSC) are required to obtain your Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) and Restricted Possession and Acquisition Licence (RPAL). Formerly known as the Firearms Acquisition Certificate (FAC)

    Once you have your PAL you can then purchase firearms and ammunition.

    LiveFire Combined Firearms Safety Course

    The long guns used in the course.

    Non-restricted and Restricted PAL course taught over a weekend.

    If you want rifles, shotguns, and handguns, this course gives you the qualifications to apply for both your PAL and RPAL.

    For more information, course dates, or to register: LiveFire Combined Firearms Safety Course

    Non-Restricted Firearms Safety Course

    The long guns used in the course.

    Non-Restricted Canadian Firearms Safety Courses are designed to introduce you to firearms such as rifles and shotguns so that you can apply for your PAL.

    Evening courses now available!

    For more information, course dates, or to register: Non-Restricted Firearms Safety Course

    Restricted Firearms Safety Course

    The handguns used in the course.

    This course is primarily for handguns, both revolvers and semi automatics, but also allows you to purchase any restricted firearm such as shorter semi-automatics, and AR15's or variants.

    Please check out the main Restricted page to find out what is currently available in the Restricted world. The government has brought in some new laws you should be aware of

    Evening courses now available!

    For more information, course dates, or to register: Restricted Firearms Safety Course

    LiveFire Small Arms Coaching

    Out on the range.

    Want to head to the range but not sure you are ready to go by yourself?

    We have two courses that can help! Our Introduction to Handguns, and our Introduction to rifles courses will walk you through all aspects of shooting and range etiquette for the first time, with your choice of Handguns or Rifles, or both!

    Want to improve your shooting? We can help with that too with our Small Arms Coaching.

    Need an Authorization to Carry (ATC) for Lawful Employment (Security Guard, Trapper, Outfitter) or Personal Protection? We can do the testing for that too.

    For more information on both Introduction Courses, Coaching, and ATC testing: LiveFire Coaching

    LiveFire Custom Firearms Safety Course

    Private courses available on request.

    Refresher training available if you are feeling a little bit rusty.

    Wonky or unpredictable schedule? Let us know when you would like a course and we will do our best to accomodate! Minimum 5 students

    Want us to teach at your location? We can do that too! Minimum 5 students.

    For more information: LiveFire Custom Courses